I have a drawer full of perfectly swirled socks, leggings and tights. It's all the fault of a brilliant if slightly mad book I read last week. I threw out half my wardrobe and made sure my clothes were feeling "happy" in their drawers (you really have to read it). The joy of the contented socks and the early spring sunshine went to my head and I skipped down to the allotment to continue the digging we started last week.
We were neglectful of the allotment last year. We grew a few things, potatoes of course, but we never seemed to get to grips with our little patch. This year, inspired by my sock success, is going to be different. I'm going to document our progress here. At the moment it's a lot of bare earth:
Looking from the front (out of control sage bush) to the back (by the fence and compost bin) sides marked out by the freshly dug boundaries. |
The allotment from the back fence. This is the first time we have dug the back bed. The new annexe. | | | | |
Memorial to a broken spade. You served us well. |
I must read that book!